How Do I Tell My Child He’s Not Wanted
How do you explain to an 8 year old that his dad who has supposedly loved him, raised him, played with him and been his role model that he has a new family, a new baby on the way and now my son isn’t welcome.
How do you explain he won’t be there on his birthday?
His Fathers day card won’t be received
His Dad has said he doesn’t want him and never wants to hear from him again.
This is what I had to do last year the most heart breaking conversation i have ever had.
Seeing my sons heart break even though i was tactful with my words i reassured him I loved him more than life it’s self.
My son hasn’t seen his dad for over a year and you know what my boy has come through it he realises his dad is missing out not the other way round.
I do not bad mouth his father to my son, and i hope one day his dad sees sense and reconnects with our child, but for now i’m raising my son to be a kind,smart and brave man.
For all you single mums out there whose childs father is still wanting to be in their kids life, don’t bad mouth them (in ears reach of your child) don’t make impossible demands of them, I won’t tell you to be grateful just thankful that you had a relationship with a man who stands up and accepts his responsibilities.
Mums and dads who have no other parental support be proud, be strong, you stood up when your ex sat down.