Child Maintenance Service Is It Failing
The child support agency (csa) has nearly completely changed to the child maintenance service (cms).
There was promises of huge changes and improvements with this service, but many parents feel nothing has improved and they are still very much out-of-pocket.
One mum said
“Really starting to give up 😢why are they letting these dads not face there responsibilities it’s so wrong and not fair on us mums!😠”
Another mum took to social media to rant about the injustice of the whole system and how the non-resident parent can lie and get away with it.
“Got a letter in the post today. Yearly review. Kids so-called dad has finally declared an income to HMRC £32.40 a week. WOW I mean WOW. What’s that like just over 4hrs a week at minimum wage he is getting away with declaring? He is self-employed and earning way more than that but can still buck the system. Let’s see if January 18th he makes the 1st payment I’m guessing I will never see a penny in my life from him”
The child maintenance service can work if the non-resident parent is employer or honest, if he is employed the service can take money directly from his wages or bank account.
Mums and dads who are self-employed are however fiddling the system and claiming they earn less than they do.
One mum we spoke to said her ex is a self-employed taxi driver the mum knows he works a minimum of 60 hours a week but he claims he only earns £65.60 a week, which is impossible and is even more infuriating when he has had a full sleeve tattoo done, been on three holidays last year and manages to go out drinking at least 4 times a month, yet she only receives £7 a week in payments for two children and cms takes a percentage of that for themselves.
Not only are they dodging their financial parental responsibilities but screwing over the tax man, little seems to be done about this though and parents are left feeling frustrated and helpless.
When parents have contacted the cms they are told there is nothing they can do their ends and the parent is to prove that their ex is earning more, many people have complained about the child maintenance service and feel that many of the employees are incompetent and lack the resources to actually deal with their claim.
Have you had a bad experience with the csa or cms? We would love to hear from you