Why Do We Need A Black Breastfeeding Week?
Why do we need a black breasfeeding week? Reason 1) You were afraid to nurse…
Why do we need a black breasfeeding week? Reason 1) You were afraid to nurse…
Last night at 1am Mia’s bed caught fire. Luckily she was awake however she was…
When my Nana was put on hospice, the nurse asked her what her goals were.…
AWARENESS! This morning, I took my 3 year old for her immunisations at our doctors…
Those of you who have heard of the Owlet Sock and wonder if it works…
ANATOMY Women, this is a uterus. The image also shows the ovaries. All women are…
Y’ALL!!!! I am DONE with these kids!! I learned a hard lesson today...one I wasn’t…
Today, I didn’t like being a mom. Today, I yelled more than I loved. Today,…
This was 2 days after I gave birth to Layla. Eating my “nice meal” provided…
Find yourself a friend who will go to Costco with you on a Tuesday morning…