Sex Toys Ruined My Parents Marriage
Sex Toys Ruined My Parents Marriage
My parents are in their early fifties and have been married for 30 blissful years.
My parents had two children, myself and brother and are now proud grandparents to three.
To look at you would think they had the perfect life, mortgage free, a loving family, lovely holidays abroad, nice cars and enough money for my father to only work part-time and my mother to stay home.
This all went wrong last year and it’s all my fault.
Christmas 2015 I brought my mum lots of Yankee candles, flowers, slippers, a giant toblerone, photos of her grandchildren placed in a beautiful silver frame and a joke present of a green rampant rabbit and ky jelly.
It was meant in jest it was a never meant to be a marriage breaker, i thought my mum wold laugh and my dad would make a silly joke.
My mother loved it, she stopped sleeping with my father, always saying she was tired or had a head ache, you know the go to excuses to get out of sex, her rampant rabbit was her new favourite toy, it completely replaced her husband.
Six months of no sex for my father was too much, he tried talking with my mum, he tried to spice things up, but nothing worked, eventually he found love in a different place, my parents split and my father moved from our family home.
My perfect family, my loving parents separated all over a joke.
My mum said she’s never felt more free. My father had never pleased her in the bedroom department and she feels she has missed out for so long.
My father still misses the woman he loves but has found comfort in another and things seem o be going well.
I will never forgive myself for breaking up my parents but I’m glad both parties are happy.
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