ADHD Is A Made Up Disease Says Mum
ADHD is a made up disease says mum
My little soldier is nine years old he’s called Jacob James.
I always knew something was different about Jacob.
He could never sit still, so easily distracted, barely slept, I was exhausted being his mum, but I was his mummy and I would do anything for him.
At first I just thought James was a hyperactive energy filled boy.
When James started School his teachers picked up on his lack of attention span and told me to see his Gp for a referral.
After extensive tests, therapies and assessments he was finally diagnosed with ADHD.
It was strange, I felt relieved finally there was a reason behind all his actions, finally I had more empathy and understanding.
The school actioned a plan to help James whilst he was as school, I was feeling more hopeful and happy.
That was until I told my mother “mum James has ADHD”.
Now I wasn’t expecting the response I got from my sons nan my own mother:
“ADHD are you kidding me, that boys just naughty, it’s a made up disease, no child in my school or when you were growing up had it, it’s purely bad parenting and lack of discipline, what that boy needs is a hard smack on the bottom”.
Since getting his diagnosis I have seen more and more comments on social media and over heard people in the streets saying similar to my mother.
ADHD diagnosis is not given lightly, a “naughty” child isn’t a child with ADHD.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a group of behavioural symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Symptoms of ADHD tend to be noticed at an early age and may become more noticeable when a child’s circumstances change, such as when they start school.
My child is not naughty he doesn’t need to be smacked or disciplined he needs understanding and help
Find out more about ADHD here
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