Boys- The Gross Truth, What You Need To Know

Now as a mother of two boys, one who is 8 and the other just starting puberty at the age of 11, I wish someone had giving me a heads up a mini pre-warning of the gross and weird things boys do.

Now I love my boys to death and wouldn’t change (much) about them.

Ok so these are the things that no one ever tells you about little boys.

  • Farts.. there hilarious to boys and if you have more than one boy they will have farting competition and often will thoroughly enjoy farting on each other.

  • Baby boys get erections…I was shocked when I first saw it and assumed they didn’t erm appear until puberty.

  • Boys like to pull their willy and will openly do this whilst mid-conversation or when in public

  • Boys are proud of their poos and will often call on you to view it.

  • Bogeys are often wiped on siblings, furniture or even eaten.

  • Boys talk…by the time your child is in double figures they will be asking multiple questions about hair on bits, and how does milk get in boobs, they will have no shame in discussing all the things they have learnt off of their friends at school.

  • The words poo and bum are the funniest words ever.

  • Their aim is off! Wee goes on the seat, on the floor, sometimes even on the walls.

  • My boys walk better in heels than me

  • Boys are rarely clean, mud and trees are their greatest play thing

  • Boys are gross they will set each other dares, like sticking 30 marshmallows in their mouth and then end up spitting it out

  • Boys are just as sensitive as girls and that’s absolutely fine.

  • Boys love their mum and will always need you

Can you think of any more gross truths? If so please add yours in the comments section.

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