Your Child Having A Nut Allergy Isn’t My Problem
Your child having a nut allergy isn’t my problem.
My son is seven years old and loves school, he is a very energetic happy lad but my son hates lunch time, all that Joseph likes is peanut butter sandwiches but one kid out of 300 students has a nut allergy.
The school has made a no nut policy where no one is allowed to have any nut products in school.
Ok great so one kid is allergic to nuts so now my son has to go without lunch, he won’t eat school dinners and only likes peanut butter in his sandwiches, he comes home from school and is starving, my poor boy is getting pains in his stomach because he is so hungry.
I pack him a ham sandwich in the hope that he may eat it, all he eats the whole time he’s at school is a piece of fruit and a yogurt asnything else that he likes has traces of nuts in it.
If my son was allergic to the sun they wouldn’t ban daytime now would they.
Why not make this kid eat in another room or go home for lunch, it’s beyond a joke that one kid can rule over the school.
I mean seriously if we didn’t wrap our kids up in cotton wool half these kids with allergies wouldn’t have got them in the first place.
When I was growing up no one had allergies as our mums ate what they wanted when they were pregnant, we didn’t anti bac everything and let kids get dirty and eat what they wanted and if a child had an issue it was their problem not the whole school or community.
If your kid has a nut allergy it really isn’t my problem nor my sons we shouldn’t have to make changes for one person.