The Worlds Youngest Mum

Lina Vanessa Medina – the youngest mum in history was Peruvian Lina Medina she gave birth to a baby boy at the age of five in 1939.

She is still considered the youngest mum all over the world and registered in Guinness World Records.
The pregnancy of world’s youngest mum progressed almost unnoticeably and impalpable and only the growing belly indicated her condition.

It was found out only in her 7th month that she was pregnant. The delivery passed successfully by means of caesarean section, the newborn son was healthy, his height and weight normal: 18.8 inches and 6 pounds.

Her second child was born 33 years later in 1972.
Interesting fact: the girl’s mother noticed that her daughter is physically developing too fast almost immediately after Lina was born. Her pubic hair began growing at 3 months after birth, and at the age of 8 months her first menstruation period began.

When Lina was four, her breasts started developing and that year she became Pregnant 🤰 . img_1217-1 The Worlds Youngest Mum

The doctors confirmed it, saying that the youngest mother’s ovaries at that time had already been as those of an adult woman. This phenomenon is called early sexual maturity and it is mostly rare in occurrence among children younger than 5.

Who was the father of the world’s youngest mother’s baby now that is still a mystery. The fact of sexual abuse was confirmed, but we won’t have ever found out who did it to a little girl. Lina Medina has never given any interviews, not then or ever. img_1215 The Worlds Youngest Mum

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