Why The Kebab Is Harmful To Human Health
The kebab, is of Arab origin but now widespread throughout Europe, is actually harmful to human health
The kebab, become a food quick meal for many Europeans, contains the ingredients that we often ignore : it is made up of meat lungs, intestines, tongue, eyes, scraps of butcher, teeth, bones, salt and animal fat. It seems the ingredients are taken from a recipe book of some witch!
In every city of Europe are millions of people who consume kebab daily , completely ignoring that it may be dangerous to your health.
The one who spread this Turkish fashion, who began by exporting it to Germany, was Mahmut Aygun and in the seventies he became the promoter of this food on our continent.
Initially, in the Arab countries where the kebab was born, it was considered basic rustic dish of meat, it was considered to be very fresh and nutritious, because of the fact of its accompanying vegetables and sauces. Instead, unfortunately, the Doner Kebab, was exported to us, rolled up in flatbread and there is nothing nutritious. The appetizing flavour is the result of a long process of meat with non-quantifiable amounts of animal fat and spices, which are there to deceive the palate. This is the trick of the good “looks” is very often used in a variety of fast food, which with a high presence of fat on the palate, induce a feeling of tasty flavour.
A team of scientists and nutritionists in England conducted research on the subject – kebab, here are a few percentage:
• over 50% of the kebab contains cast-off meat that is not chicken or calf as indicated, but the result of a mixture with different meats, especially between sheep and pig;
• in 9% of cases it was not possible to clearly identify the origin and nature of the meat used in the shredding;
• Chapter SALT: a kebab contains between 98% and 277% of that which is the acceptable daily amount for a human being. Beyond this limit the person’s health is definitely at risk;
• a single kebab and unseasoned contains between 1,000 and 1,990 calories ;
• the amount of saturated fat assimilated during one day is far exceeded by the presence of these fats kebab varying between 148% and 346%
• in most kebab analyzed were found bacteria such as Escherichia Coli and Staphylococcus Aureus
To all this must be added preservatives and chemical additives that allow the preservation of the product for months and months, in addition to being subjected over this long period, to freezing and thawing !
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