Why Did No One Tell Me? Teenagers
When your toddler is screaming and laying on the floor, people will often comment and say wait until they’re teenagers.
I expected my child to grow to be a moody, inconsiderate, back chatting sod.
I thought the hardest thing about having a teenager was going to be the awful attitude, slamming of doors and the constant worry of whom they were hanging around.
No one told me what the actual hardest part of having a teenager was.
Well I will tell you, it’s birthdays and Christmas, after the first few years of them wanting a phone or the latest console, it gets to the stage of what the hell do you buy them.
Ok, they’ve asked for one thing but myself like many parents don’t like to just purchase one gift and like to provide their child with a surprise or two.
Gone are the days of a living room filled with presents, many of which costs next to nothing, now comes the tiny pile and the huge price tag.
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