Who Are We To Judge?
This is the amazingly colourful Torz Reynolds.
I have seen so many people slate her for her choices.
Now most people wouldn’t do this to themselves but who are they to judge her.
Torz is a happy creative individual, her body modifications don’t change her as a person.
She is a positive, friendly lady.
So far she has had her ears altered, horns put in, cut out tattoos, had her tongue split, cut off her little finger and has numerous tattoos and piercings and much much more.
But who cares what she does if she’s happy, is it harming you?
She does not do this for attention or fame but her own joy.
Please remember if you see her on social media, or in public keep your opinions nice, this is not your face, nor your body, this is Torz.
Many reporters, social media users and websites call her crazy, sick, an idiot who is starved for attention & “Internet points”.
Big up to Torz I personally think she’s awesome and should be proud to be different.
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