What All Carers Wish They Could Say

Yes I am a carer, yes this is my job. Don’t come in here and shout at me because your mums not out of bed, I know you want her up at 7 but we have others who need us to.

I’ll get to her as quick as I can but shouting will not do.

I haven’t had a break but I won’t let your mother wait.

I’m sorry she isn’t wearing the new pink dress she didn’t want it on, don’t tell me I am stupid and I don’t understand.

Yes I know you want what’s best for mum, but so do I, you want her to make the appointment to have those tests done,but your mum is dead against it she has a say you know.

Don’t complain about me I’m doing the best I can, I can’t go any faster and can’t always stick to the plan, I know you want to leave at 8 but I can’t rush your mum.

When your mum Is crying in the night it’s me who holds her hand. Your mum is so lovely and makes my day so bright, I wish you saw me daughter and all that I do, so stop the constant digs and realise I am human to.

Don’t come here once a month and tell me what to do, this is not just a job I really do care, I worry when your mum is ill or hasn’t finished all her meal.

Your mum is well cared for, I don’t want constant thanks but please get off my back and let me do my job.

Please family member come see what we do, most carers do their very best and will always try to listen to what you want, but speak to us kindly and ask us why, don’t assume we are lazy or just don’t really care. 

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