We Swore By These Nappies-Parents Warning

This dad named Jordan Bartliff has taken to Facebook  to warn others.

So Saturday yesterday morning has to be the worst day of our lives so far, we opened a fresh pack of newborn little angels to put on the baby, we go to change the nappy an hour later, and these pictures are the results. And NO he’s not allergic to them, that’s been ruled out.

img_2192 We Swore By These Nappies-Parents Warning
It looks like a chemical reaction As confirmed by the hospital, As he’s been wearing the same nappies for 3 weeks prior to this. With no problems whatsoever. I don’t normally put personal stuff on Facebook but as it’s happened to such an innocent little life at 3 weeks old the day it happened who bearing in mind is 5 weeks early, who is now needing oxygen through a machine because of this.

img_2191 We Swore By These Nappies-Parents Warning
I wouldn’t want it happening to any other little soul, so please be vigilant and careful with these nappies as it obviously is a bad batch.

We swore by these nappies and use them with our first born before anyone starts saying their children wear these all the time so do mine. Were heartbroken words cannot explain how we feel right now Please share this to make other parents aware. Thankyou.

img_2193 We Swore By These Nappies-Parents Warning


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Dianne Pike

Thank you for showing me this issue as my first grandchild is due in Sept and was advised by Mother n Baby that Aldi/Lidl new born nappies are better than the leading brand..

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    june craven

    we have always used aldi nappies for our grandson since he was born , no barrier cream used , he has never had nappy rash , he is now 2yr 4 months old and still uses them without any problems x

      comments user

      Same as us.. i swear by Aldi nappies x

    comments user

    We swear by Aldi nappies. We’ve rarely had problems and if we have it’s been linked to upset tummy or a bug rather than the nappies. We found Huggies and Pampers leaked and didn’t keep up with our little boy.

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    This is the add a brand not aldi or lidl so pretty sure your safe. Lidl nappies are ace, not had a bad batch yet but always best to keep your eye out.

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    Polly Field

    They are definitely the better nappy and cheaper. The nappy in the article is from Asda. I am so sorry your little one has had a bad reaction.

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    Gaynor Basnett

    These are asda nappies little angels

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They are better..little angels nappies are Asda not Aldi

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is that the expiry date in pic 27 04 17? if so that might be a reason to

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    That date is when they were manufactured I think, not the expiry.

      comments user

      It’s the expiry. Poor baby and poor parents. Wishing you a a speedy recovery.

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        It’s not expiry date or it would say so it’s a manufacturing date

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        They dont have an expiry, theyre nappies not food… its the manufacturing date as stated why do people assume everything has an expiry date including non food items?

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This has happened several times before with asda little angels nappies, it seems every now and then they get a bad chemical batch. Something should definitely be done about it as asda have been notified about this problem.

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Thankyou for making us aware of this we habe a 12 week old abd we ude those nappies.I hope your baby recovers. My thoughts are with you xxx

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A Smith

Have recently purchased a 70 pack for next Granddaughter, code is the same on my purchase from Lincoln Asda, I will return them tomorrow

    comments user
    Helen Peart

    Do yiu mean the barcode? That will be the same – it identifies the product, not the batch and it will be the same one on all previous and future packs of that size

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      A Smith

      Yes you are right Helen,

      here is Asda’s reply,

      Don’t believe everything you read on facebook, customer services contacted management and they were not interested, however we exchanged or purchase….

      So has any body had this story confirmed??

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Gemma Harding

We usually use cloth at home and little angels when on holiday or when we go away for a few nights. Think we’ll be sticking to cloth from now on, finding better facilities 🙁

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Aldi nappies all the way my 2 girls were the same with these nappies and pampers the skin blistered and peeled off them from front to back.

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Oh no this is so sad but thank you for putting this out in public who knows what they put in baby products these days all to save bloody money.

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in thi sday and age,,when you can get easily worn adn washed cloth nappies, wuldn’t that be better all roundfor babe and environnment?..All those years ago, mine stopped getting nappy rash when in natural cotton!

    comments user

    Yup, my lo has been cloth bummed from birth and never has rash. Makes me shudder the volume of chemicals that are in such close proximity to babies’ skin in these.

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God my heart goes out to ur baby, poor little lamb 😢 never used or heard of those nappies. When my son was born I always used pampers from birth til he turned 1 then I was told about the Tesco brand found them great so I used them but one week I was shoppin in Dunnes and needed nappies and instead of goin to two stores I said I would get the Dunnes brand and I haven’t looked back since. I had my daughter then and while she was new born I went pampers but wen she was 8 months old I switched to dunnes or Tesco brand stil using them on her but my son is now potty trained. But I also heard aldi and lidl brand are gud also I just never tried them. I really hope ur baby has a speedy recovery god bless u all x

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This happened to my daughter 14 yrs ago. Worked in a nursery so realised cause fairly quickly. Never used creams unless actually had nappy rash. Just never used asda brand again. Was to do with the gel inside

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If you look at the date on the photo the nappies look like theyre out of date!!

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    Nappies don’t go out of date, that’s the manufacturing days.

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      A Campbell

      They do, the silicon in very old nappies become hard and make the nappy stiff.

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Years ago I used them my boy was fine my sister used them on her first was fine but her second one keeps getting bad nappy rash that his bum gets sore we have to cream him but thanks to u I’m gonna ask her to see if it’s the nappy so thank you and I hope your little one will be OK very soon poor little might xx

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Thanks so much for sharing this as I have an 11 week old daughter and I have been using these since birth.I have had no problems but now I know keep a close eye x hope wee man has a speedy recovery x

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There isn’t a outnof date for nappieanits when they was made
This shouldn’t happen plus I hope they have been in touch with the family To try and sort this out with them
I have a 5 month old and only use pampers unused to used little angle all the time with granddaughter but I kept hearing bad things about Asda nappies

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we use aldi but like one comment said be ware of all nappes and wipes

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Thank you for sharing. This happened to my daughter who worn a pampers nappy for an hour. I blame myself as normally she doesn’t use disposable nappies but I was suffering PND and figured a few disposables won’t do too much harm. I had a health visitor look at it and she said nappies are safe and then called social services on me. It was a nightmare I am glad it over. But people need to know that these chemicals are banned in tampons yet we allow them in nappies.

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Dru Kendall

What I don’t underrstand is, why do you use items you know contain chemicals on you precious baby’s skin. There are alternatives but they need ‘washing’. Baby wipes remove stains from Trainers, walls etc that nothing else shifts and you’ll use them on your babys skin too. It’s nuts.

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What has happened to this little baby and his family is heartbreaking and whilst dad Jordan Bartliff is blaming a particular brand of nappy we might be missing the actual cause of this and a chance to protect other infants.
Is it the gel found in all brands of nappies that is safe until soaked in the baby’s urine, mentioned in some articles or something else? We need to know.
Manufacturers must be held accountable and standards improved, with full disclosure of the chemicals and processes involved so that we can make informed choices.
Links below show that the same reaction has happened with other brands and the most reported brand is actually Pampers.

The French health association Asef also warns ofcarcinogens in Pampers. https://www.thelocal.fr/20161025/french-study-alleges-pampers-nappies-contain-carcinogenics

This is the article shared by Jordan on facebook in a parenting website: http://mums-advice-old-copy.local/we-swore-by-these-nappies-parents-warning/








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This post was fake, check the guys FB account. Virtually nothing on there, except another post that happens to have gone a bit viral. No friends. Created this year. Why would a baby with a chemical burn need oxygen? Why would chemicals be used in the making of nappies? People need to realise that this is libel – it is maliciously damaging a company’s reputation, and Asda are well within their rights to track down and sue whoever is doing this.

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To Anon who doesn’t have the courage to use their own name. Check my post above. Of course chemicals are used to produce nappies. What do you think they are made of? Fresh air? Do not assume Jordan’s profile is fake. He has limited the audience of his profile as a lot of parents do. It is safer to limit posts to family and close friends. I do the same as do a lot of my friends. There are lots of parents who have babies suffering similar chemical burns and I appreciate that Jordan has shared this so that awareness is raised and hopefully manufacturing standards and processes improved.

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What has happened to this little baby and his family is heartbreaking and whilst dad Jordan Bartliff is blaming a particular brand of nappy we might be missing the actual cause of this and a chance to protect other infants.
Lots of other articles I have found on the web show that the same reaction has happened with other brands of nappy and the most reported brand is actually Pampers.
Is it the gel found in all brands of nappies that is said to be safe until soaked in the baby’s urine mentioned in some of these articles or something else?
Manufacturers must be held accountable and standards improved, with full disclosure of the chemicals and processes involved so that we can make informed choices.

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I used these nappies 1st week i brought my baby home and he had a really bad rash really bad and by luck he went to stay at my sisters and she had none so she used pampers and his rash was away the next day. Wud never use these again

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Such a shame, poor wee baby. Get well soon little one. 💕
Unfortunately that must b a bad batch. My baby is 3.5 months & we have used those nappies with no issues. Would also rate Aldis/lidls.

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Sinead Houston

I always used pampers or Huggies no issues there. Hope the wee pet has a speedy recovery xx

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LUVS are the best…… For the price, so sorry baby boy will be in my prayers.

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Samantha Louise Gray

I always used named brands with my first child but then my daughter had awful reactions to them so went onto supermarket brands. Our newest family member is now 20months old and we have tried almost every brand on the market and he is fine for a while and then has a reaction. Its awful that we, as parents, have to trust in these products when there is no guarantee that one nappy or one wipe or one box of formula will cause them harm. Your family will be in my thoughts!

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