Top ‘Game of Thrones’ Inspired Baby Names
Trying to name a baby can be one of the hardest things you’ll ever do, you are giving someone a name that will be theirs for the rest of their life, so you have to be sure it’s a good one!
Inspiration for baby names come from many places and what better place to look than television and the amazing award winning TV show phenomenon that is Game of Thrones!
Here are a few of our favourite names inspired by the epic TV show.
Top Game of Thrones Inspired Baby Names
Game of Thrones names for girls:
1. Arya

2. Khaleesi

3. Brienne

4. Catelyn

5. Ellaria

6. Winter

7. Talisa

8. Margaery
9. Missandei

10. Myrcella

Game of Thrones names for boys:
1. Jaqen

2. Jon

3. Tormand

4. Robb

5. Jaime

6. Theon

7. Tommen

8. Ramsay

9. Khal

10. Tyrion

Of course it’s your decision, you could go totally off script and go for something a little more unique like Ghost or Greyworm, heck you could even call your child Hodor… but maybe those names would he better suited to a pet!
What do you think of this list?
Let us know in the comments!
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