The 2 Year Funding Shouldn’t Be For The Unemployed
I’m gonna rant and I will probably offend people but I honestly don’t give two hoots.
So a 2-year-old can now get free early education and childcare if they live in England and get one of the qualifying benefits like income support, and tax credits and they have an annual income of under £16,190 before tax.
So let’s get this straight if you don’t work and sit at home all day watching Jeremy Kyle, and scrolling through Facebook you can get free childcare, awesome you clearly deserve a break from your exhausting life 😡wouldn’t be so bad if they used this time to actively seek out work.
My husband works damn hard to provide for me and our 2-year-old son, we just about make ends meet but every month is a struggle, we have to budget just to put food on the table and clothes on our backs, luxuries are a distant memory, no fancy holidays or nice new cars for us, we class putting the heating on as a huge luxury.
I would love to return to work but we would not be able to get any form of financial help to pay for the extremely high child care costs, I would have to be earning £17 an hour just to make it financially viable.
So yet again those who choose not to work and don’t wish to better themselves (not all I know many have genuine reasons) get extra support and help to have an easier life.
It sickens me that if I were to leave my hard-working loving husband I would be financially better off, I could live off benefits or return to work and my son would get free childcare, my child would then be able to go on nice holidays and have named brand clothing, he wouldn’t have hand me down toys and only be able to go on free or cheap trips out.
When will the government realise that it’s the people working that are struggling, they are the ones who should get extra help, 2 year funding for all or for no one, this country is unfair and it’s breaking people, those who are unemployed by choice don’t deserve anything, let the people who want to better themselves have help or a slight leg up, don’t penalize us for earning and working our butts off.