Should You Be Compensated For Lost Breast Milk If Your Freezer Breaks?

Kimberley Ver took to Facebook to complain about her freezer defrosting all her saved breast milk and has since been given a good will gesture by Currys Pc world.

But Ver’s post has stirred up debates about the value of breast milk Ver said:

“Hi ladies you may remember my post about the faulty freezer defrosting my milk stash.well if just received a text saying they are coming to collect the freezer (the text came 10min AFTER the slot began) so I’ve taken the milk out. 89 bottles! 89 BOTTLES! 5.8LITRES I’ve emailed Currys twice and in their words they will not attempt to compensate me as you cannot put a monetary value on breast milk, so they are refusing to sort this situation out. I’ve asked them to ring me to discuss and they refuse. I tweeted it and no response. What else can I do? This is a tragic loss and Currys should be doing something in good will to the appropriate standard xx *EDIT* Currys have been in touch to discuss a good will gesture x Currys PC World Currys complaints”.

Mandy Sampson replied to the post and said “No amount of money can replace lost Breast milk”. Sampson felt that money would not change the situation and was pointless to even complain.

However Joanna Kennedy replied and said she would charge Currys pc world for the time it took to express the milk if it had happened to her.

Milk banks can charge the NhS NICU £7.50 for a 50ml container of breast milk it has been stated, so do you think a good will gesture is enough or should the likes of Kimberley Ver and others who lose breast milk to faulty freezers receive the entire money value of their milk? or do you feel it’s just one of those things and should just forget about it? Let us know your views in the comments


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