Should The Christmas Holidays Be Extended?
Well the Christmas holidays have ended and it’s back to early mornings, routine, the dreaded school runs and work.
Many parents have stated how quickly the Christmas holidays have flown by and how their child has struggled to adjust to returning to school such a short time after all the hype of Christmas and new year, many children are tearful, tired and grumpy.
Several mothers across the united kingdom are suggesting to schools and the government and approaching local councils to ask to extend the Christmas holidays to four weeks and lower the summer holiday to four weeks as well.
Emma Corsair said “my children get bored during the summer holidays they are just too long and child care is a nightmare, the summer holidays is ridiculously expensive especially trying to keep three children entertained if we had two holidays of equal amount it would make things so much easier, plus if the Christmas holidays were longer they would have more time to see family and play with their new toys”.
Mums from across Britain are saying that it doesn’t feel fair that children have had little time to spend playing with their new toys and that it seems cruel to go straight back to normal after all the magic and excitement of Santa and Christmas.
Also it is mentioned that many families struggle to keep their children amused for six weeks in the summer and many children are bored and wanting to go back to school sooner, which causes extra expensive to families trying to keep their little ones entertained, some children long for the routine of school.
One mum has even started a petition in the hope that changes can be made to increase the Christmas break.
Would you be in favour of an extended Christmas holiday and a shorter summer?
Let us know your views in the comments
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