Pregnant Woman Almost Died After Baby Kicked Through Her Uterus
Pregnant Woman Almost Died After Baby Kicked Through Her Uterus
A pregnant woman narrowly avoided death after her unborn child “kicked” through her uterine wall. Fortunately, the mother and newborn baby both survived this exceptional mishap.
The uterus is connected to the fallopian tubes and the cervix
The woman, was in her 36th week of her pregnancy. She was sent to Hospital on the 17th of October 2016 after suffering from severe stomach pain, the hospital reported in as long with her intensifying abdominal pain, doctors also noted problems with her blood pressure, pulse, and breathing.
The mum had surgery, just a few months before becoming pregnant, to remove fibroids from her uterus. These are non-cancerous growths that can grow along the wall of the uterus. After discovering this in her medical notes, the doctors quickly carried out a scan where they diagnosed a “high degree of suspected scar rupture of the uterus”.

After making this diagnosis, it took doctors just 5 minutes to rush the mum into a operating theatre. They found the babies legs poking into her abdominal cavity through a 7-centimeter rip in her uterus.
The doctors said the woman’s previous surgery left scar tissue in her womb, leaving the uterus wall far more at risk of breaking/ripping. This is known as a rupture pregnancy.
These are thought to affect less than 5 in 1,000 pregnant women who have previously had a C-section, the risk is far lower for first-time mums and for women who haven’t previously had a C-section. It’s even rare to experience this after having surgery for uterine fibroid.
In this case, both mum and baby were at a huge risk of infection. Thankfully, doctors managed to deliver the baby with complete success. The mum and her baby are now said to be happy and recovering well.
This phenomenon is exceptionally rare but not unheard of, we are all just thankful that the doctors worked so quickly and mum and baby are doing well.
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