Why Does Pregnancy Turn Us Into Complete Emotional Wrecks?
It’s common knowledge that pregnancy can be a stressful time, your emotions are all the place and can sometimes get the best of you.
We asked our followers over at our Mums Advice Facebook Page to tell us the craziest reasons they had a cry during pregnancy.
These are some of the funniest, craziest and most bizarre answers we received.
1) I saw my neighbour get in her car and drive down the road.
I burst in to tears, I just didn’t understand why she was going out.
I don’t even know her. But it made me emotional 😂
2) With my first i was still in school and the canteen had these amazing cookies that i craved 😍 one day they ran out and i had a meltdown and started crying, about an hour later i was sat in maths and a dinner lady brought me 4 wrapped in a paper towel and i sobbed my heart out❤😂😂😂
3) The rugrats… yes the kids cartoon
The one where chuckies woodlouse died! 🙈 I cried like a b*tch 😂😂😂
4) Sitting all day at work thinking about how much I was looking forward to the bottle of Pepsi max that was in the fridge at home. Got home to find it was gone. Sat on the kitchen floor and sobbed my heart out for over an hour. My mum offered to go get me another bottle, but I didn’t want another bottle. I wanted the one that should have been in the fridge 😂😂
5) I was frying some eggs with my partner for tea and splashed hot oil all over my top on my tummy… Stripped my top off so I was stood in a bra and trousers and went to carry on frying the eggs… My partner told me to go upstairs to get another top on so I huffed off and did that… Came downstairs and he had cracked another egg into the frying pan and I cried cause I wanted to do it…
6) I balled like a baby in the middle of Iceland cause they had no more of my favourite bread(shelf was bare and I could have sworn I had seen some on the way round the shop) probably should have checked my trolley as when we got to the check out I had two loaves of it in my blooming trolley 😂😂
7) I was frying and egg and started crying cos i felt really bad that it was a chickens baby but i was craving fried egg really bad, then just to top it off it was a double yolker well that just put the icing on the cake i was absolutely balling 😂😂
8) My partner went on a stag do. My dog thought he had gone work, she knows when he is due home from work and waits at the window. I cried because I knew he weren’t coming back that night and she didn’t understand 😂😂
9) Not being able to put the bottom sheet on my little boys bunk bed.
I couldn’t reach over because of my bump. I had a melt down and sat on the bed crying for 15 minutes 😂
10) When I was about 10 weeks pregnant and having a really shitty day my husband came home from the shops with a bag of mini eggs, I burst into tears and at the time it felt like the nicest thing he’s ever done for me 😂😂 in hindsight he’s done a lot of really nice things and is a fab husband!! Really made my day
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