Plastic Found In Cow And Gate Milk
A member of Mums Advice has shared her shock discovery with other members when finding this when feeding her son.
So today I popped to town and just grabbed a ready to use milk carton by Cow & Gate for my son as I had major baby brain and forgot his powdered milk and only brought his bottles with his water in. I didn’t actually end up using it until I got home.
So as my boy was due a feed I thought I may aswell use it now I brought it. Whilst feeding him I noticed something black in his milk and straight away stopped and got out whatever it was. I also got the carton back out the bin and found a smaller black bit in the bottom of the carton with the remaining milk. It’s actually 2 bits of plastic! Couldn’t actually believe my eyes!!
I have phoned Cow & Gate to inform them about this but as was after 5pm there wasn’t anyway to take it further and someone will be calling me back tomorrow.
Just thought would share this as I know a few others that use these and just thought would let u know for future preference!
If u could all share just to let others be aware would be great!
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