Nostalgia filled toys every 90s kid will remember!
Join us now for a trip down memory lane!
We’re going to be taking a nostalgia filled look back at 20 of our favourite toys that every 90s kid will “hopefully” remember.
1. Everyone that has seen Home Alone was eager to get a talkboy or talkgirl of their own! 2. The original Trolls! Not the cute musical ones kids like these days! Ours were often found on pencils!
3. These epic game was all about skill and patience… and a bit of luck!
4. Learning to skate? These were the only things you could acceptably learn from!
5. So much fun and so many injuries inflicted because of this a brilliant bouncy toy.
6. Dream Phone! It was kinda like Blind Date… expect not.
7. If you don’t recognise this, you’re too young for this list!
8. Who needs a real dog when you could have a robot one that pretty much did nothing?!
9. We’ve seen a few new generations of Furby’s but I think we can all agree that else was the best and probably the most annoying.
10. My Little Pony skinny and bony… we all sang that you know it’s true!
11. Polly Pocket when they were still tiny enough to actually fit in your pocket! These were amazing, the new ones don’t hold a candle to them
12. Every 90s kid got one of these in their Christmas stocking!
13. Who wanted normal diary that you could write in when you could have an electric one that you could easily forget the password and get locked out of… oops!
14. The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, we all had our favourites and let’s be honest we all loved the green ranger!
15. A teapot that was also a house the 90s was an amazing time to be alive!
16. Every self-respecting Beauty and the Beast fan was desperate for their own magic mirror!
17. Sky dancers; what a beautiful way to lose an eye or get tangled in your hair or fall and break the wing so it never works ever again… still a great toy though!
18. The younger generation may recognise this chatty little phone from Toy Story 3 but we know it because it was our first mobile phone!
19. We all knew someone who had a house full of Beanie Babies and was sure they were going to be the richest people in the world one day!
20. Tamagotchi! These needy electrical pets which our parents had to look after while we were at school! They were brilliant and I only wish it was still socially acceptable to play with these now!
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