My Rockstar Addiction Ruined My Relationship

My Rockstar drink addiction ruined my relationship

I was a happily married guy to my dream girl, we met in June 2015 whilst working together doing night shifts as Tesco.

After a year of dating we decided to move in together to be able to afford the rent I picked up extra shifts and some weeks I would work 7 nights at one point I worked 16 nights in a row.

I was drained of energy, I just couldn’t get a decent amount of deep sleep during the day so drank Rockstar energy drinks to keep me awake at work.

Things went on like this for a long time and it just seemed the norm, sleep and then drink Rockstar.

My girlfriend and I decided we wanted to try for a baby I was so happy I had always wanted to be a father.

We started trying a few months after but I had a problem I couldn’t finish I would stay erect for over an hour and would not cum.

If I didn’t have an energy drink I couldn’t get it up but if I had one I couldn’t finish.

After 3 months of failed sexual intercourse my girlfriend sat me down and said she felt like a failure like an ugly tramp, that I clearly didn’t fancy her anymore.

I tried to explain it was the Rockstar drinks which were doing it to me and she laughed at me and asked if that were true why didn’t I just stop drinking them.

But it just wasn’t that simple I needed them I was addicted to them, I couldn’t get through a day without one.

Rockstar energy drinks have ruined my life, I now love back with my mum and see no way of getting off Rockstar a doctor would probably laugh at me.

If you work nights please don’t drink this poison, I hate seeing teenagers and sometimes younger kids drinking them it is not worth the risk.



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Zoe Williams

I had an addiction to energy drinks a few years ago- you CAN get off them without the help of a doctor, but it is very hard work and you MUST be determined to do it- the withdrawel effects are horrid, but only last about a week, then ur clear, so its def worth it- start by cutting down slowly day by day on the amount u drink of them, and replace with high PROTEIN drinks instead 🙂

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