My child is Gay and that’s not okay
Grace Reynolds told us her story which actually made us feel sickened and sad that people still have this outdated view, her thoughts and views are hard to believe but please note we at Mums advice do not share these views ourselves.
Grace said:
My son Jamie is 18 and a homosexual, Jamie was such a sweet handsome little boy, who loved his trains and cars, as he grew he was always out with his friends playing football or on his bike, such a smart, bright well behaved boy.
This year my baby boy, my only son, sat me down to tell me something that would change my life and ruin my relationship with my son.
He is Gay!!!!
Society tells me I should be happy and even proud of him, PROUD OF WHAT?
Proud that I will never have a daughter in law?
I will never have biological grandchildren, and knowing my son is doing ungodly acts.
He has brought shame and embarrassment to my family and I.
Everyone wants to be all accepting of gays but surely all this is doing is encouraging them.
Bring back Jesus into our country, pray out the Gay, teach children that it is a mortal sin and stop putting gays on a pedestal.
I will never accept my son’s life choice, if he wants to lay with a man he won’t be supported by me.
Mums advice tried to explain to Grace how her thoughts and views were wrong and no matter what her son is, he is still her son, she should support and love him, no amount of prayers can change him, it is not a choice to be gay he was born this way.
We hope in time she sees the error of her ways but if not we hope Jamie finds love and happiness.
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