Mums Urgent Warning on Coca Cola
Nola Larke of Southampton has taken to Facebook to warn other mums.
My little boy Noah is 1 year and 3 months old.
We have safety gates, corner cushions, locks on cupboards and taken multiple precautions in our home.
Noah has an older brother Samuel who is 13 and visits me and his father at the weekends.
Samuel adores his baby brother and is very cautious not to leave his electricals, chargers, lego, sweets etc where Noah can reach them.
Last weekend we treated Samuel to a chinese take away and a can of Coke.
We sat down to watch a film and it got later than expected, we didn’t clear our rubbish as we normally do, you kow how it is, sometimes you just let things slide.
6am as usual Noah awoke, I changed his bottom and then strapped him into his high chair ready for his breakfast.
I left Noah alone in the dining room for a matter of minutes whilst i prepared his porridge, I didn’t realise the empty Coke can was in his reach.
Noah placed his finger inside the can of Coca Cola, he ripped his finger back out, taking the skin with it.
Noah was screaming in agony ad blood was pouring down his hand, I cleaned it and put a plaster on and obviously comforted my baby boy.
Three days later it became infected, it was very red and swollen, we attended the Gp and were informed that a strong course of antibiotics was needed and a short stay in hospital, he added had we not been seen sooner he may have lost his finger or even his life.

I urge you all to keep any carbonated drink cans away from babies and toddlers, the inside of the ring is as sharp as a razor blade, we learnt this the hard way.
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