How Mums Advice Saved My Life
The admin at Mums Advice don’t get enough credit, they are not mind-less robots just posting messages.
I thought I would share my story of how the admin team saved me and the members showed me hope.
So a bit of my back story 2014 I fell in love with the man of my dreams, every girls ideal man, tall, dark, handsome, hard working and popular.
It was a whirlwind relationship, I quickly moved away with him over 100 miles away from my family and friends but I didn’t mind…
I was in Love
I was happy
I was in ore
I was young
I was NOT safe although I didn’t know this just yet!!!!
He was so sweet, loving and kind unless he had a drink then he was jealous, controlling and verbally aggressive but I put this all down to the stress of his job and he wasn’t hitting me or raping me so it was ok (how stupid was I?)
Fast forward to 2015 I became pregnant and excited to meet my much wanted baby, obviously being pregnant I talked constantly about names, things I needed to buy, my feelings and talked to my bump.
My partner become jealous of OUR baby, he wouldn’t come to my scans or engage in conversations about “it”, he would shout at me and say all I cared about was “that thing”.
I should have left, I should have told my mum, I should have gone somewhere safe, but I loved this man, he was just nervous and scared to be a dad.
Ok so this is where Mums Advice comes in, August 2015 I was 6 months pregnant I was laying in the bath listening to music on my iPad late in the evening, my partner had been out with his friends down the local pub.
He came home drunk and burst into the bathroom and was raging, screaming that I was a dirty whore and that I was ruining his life.
He dragged me out of the bath by my hair, he was pounding down blow after blow on my head, chest and stomach.
I pleaded with him not to hurt our baby, I begged him to STOP, the blood was pouring from my skull, bits of my hair where in his hands, 2 of my teeth had been knocked out, it seemed there was blood everywhere, all i saw was red.
He had enough and walked out of the bathroom and sat against the door, I couldn’t get out, I couldn’t get help, I could hear him ranting to himself about how it was all my fault, how he wished I hadn’t trapped him, he was getting angry again, I knew it wouldn’t be long til he came back in and attacked me again.
My iPad yes I’ll use my iPad!!!
Do i message my mum? my sister? a friend?
But they will be asleep now and won’t see the message until it’s too late.
Mums Advice, I’ll message them, what have i got to lose, they are always there.
Within a matter of minutes they had replied, they had got my location, they had contacted the police, they had saved me!!!!
10 minutes later the police and a paramedic had arrived, He was taken away in hand cuffs and I was rushed to hospital.
I had bald spots on my scalp where he had ripped hair out, a broken jaw, teeth missing, fractured skull, numerous bruises, but I was alive and my baby was unharmed.
I cannot thank Mums Advice enough, the admins and the members who replied to my post with kind words, support and love and for rescuing me and my baby.
We now live with my mum and I have a happy healthy baby girl I urge any woman who is in a controlling or violent relationship to get out, to get help, to be brave for the sake of your children.