Life Is To Short To Keep Saying NO
Mum shares a really important message after nearly losing her daughter…
‘Life is way too short to say NO all of the time. This time last year she asked me if she could have pink hair and I said no. A few days later at a camp they were doing a demonstration involving fire and something went wrong and it caught her on fire. She had horrible burns over 70% of her body. This time last year we were in the hospital with her not knowing if she was going to live or not. So this time when she asked me if she could have pink hair, I said yes. That experience taught me you never know how much time you have left, with anyone. So say yes more often, and don’t care if anyone thinks your child with pink hair is ridiculous !! 😍😍🤓🤓 (within reason lol)
Credit: Rachel Ann Carpenter
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