Our stories
advice, dark, days, depression, faith, fight, Love, man, Mums, son, suicide, survivor
Mums Advice
Keep The Faith
A year ago tonight at around 2am I tried to kill myself, I had enough after struggling year after year with the black fog that is depression. Thankfully I was unsuccessful.
15 days later me and my girlfriend found out that she was 3 weeks pregnant. 7 months later we had a son who is a week shy of 5 months.
If I had of been successful in taking my life then basically I would be airbrushed out of this photo, I wouldn’t exist. I would have missed out on the best thing that has ever happened to me. That absolutely terrifies me to think about.
While I’m not going to lie there has been dark days since and I’ll always have to face this illness on a daily basis, it’s worth facing, it’s worth dealing with & most importantly it’s worth talking about, that’s what’s kept me alive I think, talking to people I care about & that care about me.
Anyway that’s my story about the past year of my life & for the first time in a long time I’m looking forward to enjoying many more!
Keep the faith x
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