I Gave Up Being A Mother To Indulge Myself
I’m about to hit a “perfect parent”‘s nerve here, but to be quite frank, I’m way past the point of caring.
I do not give a fuck. No fucks given whatsoever.
If you’re a mum, you’re probably on a mum’s advice page on Facebook, right?
I am, too.
I asked a fair question and I was practically mauled by a pack of dogs for it.
I bet you’re dying to know what it was that I asked, so here it is…
“My ex-partner has a full time job, he earns £30k plus, he has plenty of disposable income and pays nothing for our child. Am I wrong in stopping contact?”
Apparently, I was; I was a bitch apparently and God only knows what else.
So, after a lot of thinking, do you know what I did?
I decided I couldn’t be bothered to be a mother anymore; yeah, I put myself before my kids.
What do they matter anyway? They’re just an inconvenience.
So, I woke up this morning as usual; I’d usually give my children some breakfast and some juice before school, but today I decided to give it a miss – I scoffed mine down, though.
I didn’t bother buying toothpaste when I went shopping either, so they’ll have to skip brushing their teeth aswell – I bought myself some, though.
So, then, I made sure the kids were dressed in filthy clothes, ready for school – mine were clean, though.
It was raining today, but I sent my eldest to school on his own, with no coat. He’ll have to stay indoors and play on his own – coats aren’t cheap, especially mine.
I went to work as soon as he left. I left my youngest at home, though – I’m not wasting £50 a day on childcare.
Who has that kind of money to spend?!
I then had a call from the school to ask why my eldest child wasn’t attending his educational school trip – truth is, I spent his trip money on cigarettes.
I got home from work and they were both sat in the cold and dark – I spent the electricity and gas money on a night out.
They started to complain they were hungry again – tough, I’m getting a takeaway when they go to bed.
They can skip having a bath and go straight to bed, they can surivive without a wash.
It’s Saturday tomorrow, the kids are off and I think we’ll just stay in because I’m skint – I went a bit mad on buying myself new clothes last week.
Actually, I’ve got a bit of cash spare, I’ll fuck off out for the weekend instead and won’t bother making the effort.
Of course, I would never do this to my children.
Who in their right fucking mind would do this to their child?
A man would, that’s who (and apparently some women do aswell).
If a woman behaved this way, she would have her children taken away and placed in to care – no questions asked.
So, tell me this – why is it okay for a man not to provide for his children and still think he’s entitled to a relationship with his child?
There are exceptions, of course – there always are. But, if you work and have money to spend on yourself, you can spend it on your child.
No fucking excuses.
Stop defending a man for being a man, it’s WRONG.
Credit @theunicorninblack
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