He’s 10 and Independant 

I am raising my child how I choose too.

I want my son to be independent and a social butterfly.

I do not need to be told I am wrong because he is not your child.

My son is 10 he is free to eat what he wants, go where he wants and sleeep when he wants.

Do other parents really have a right to tell me I am wrong?

Today my son travelled 3 miles to a skate park and got himself a McDonald’s at 9am this morning.

I received a call from my son at 1pm to say that parents kept asking where his mother was.

Why ask my son? He was not in trouble or in danger!

Anyway he arrived home at 4 and was visibly upset that these so called parents had threatened to contact social services, because he was unsupervised and looked unkept.

Come on seriously why would he put on good clothes to go to a skate park.

So please keep your words to yourself, my child my choice.

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