Grief Stricken Mothers Warning About Swimming Pools

One grief-stricken mother recently contact Mums advice and pleaded with us to raise awareness of swimming pools and the risks involved when in local pools or whilst on holiday.

Now you may be thinking her child had passed away by drowning but this mums story shocked me to the core and we just had to share.

The mum wishes to remain anonymous but she explained her 12-year-old daughter who was a very confident swimming and was never far from her side, died whilst on holiday in Egypt last year due to the vacuum effect in the swimming pools drain.

The drain is powerful enough to hold swimmers, especially young children or light weight adults to the bottom of the pool. Contact between human skin and a flat pool drain can create a huge suction equal to hundreds of pounds of pressure.

In this horrific instance, four adult men were unable to pull this young teenager from the grasp of the deadly drain which ripped out her small intestines as the poor girl and the men struggled to pull her free, by the time the hotel had turned the pump off it was already to late for this girl.

Swimmers can die from drowning or evisceration by these pool drains.

The grief-stricken mother wants to warn all parents to advice their children to steer clear of these filters and to be extra careful when going under water or sitting on the pools floor or using hot tubs especially when on holiday as some countries don’t comply with safety regulations and are putting holiday makers at grave risk.

The mum said that the loss of her daughter has been unbearable to live with but hopes that by sharing her daughters story she may prevent another tragedy happening and stop another family from losing an innocent child or loved one.


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