Don’t Shame Me Because My Daughter Wants To be A Girl
So all of my Facebook timeline and in the media i see constant posts about gender equality.
Boys can dress as girls, and girls are encouraged to play with toys which were previously aimed at males.
Which I think is fantastic..But
My daughter is 6 and is into all things pink, she loves to play make-believe and pretend to be a grown up or a mummy.
Her bedroom has a doll’s house, pram, ironing board, toy kitchen, unicorns, horses, shopkins and princesses, her walls are pink and she has fairy pictures up and cupcake curtains.
My daughter dresses in frilly dresses, with sparkly shoes, big pink bows in her hair and loves nothing more than having her nails painted and putting on lip gloss.
I have had people comment that I am stereotyping her, treating her like a “girl”.
Well news flash she is one, she wants to play house, she isn’t interested in super heroes or football and that’s fine by me.
There is so much about gender stereotypes that when a child acts the gender they are sometimes the parents are labelled as bad parents or not encouraging them to be something else.
I have not forced my child to become interested in all things “feminine” it’s her choice.
Why can’t we just let kids be kids, stop making parents feel guilty, not all of us want to change the traditions.
By her playing with these toys it doesn’t mean she won’t grow up with ambition and only wish to be a mum or housewife (if she did I’d be proud, it’s an amazing job)
She could grow up to be an engineer, a doctor, a vet, a famous chef or whatever she wants.
Being a girl and liking girl things shouldn’t be an issue.
I wont comment on your parenting so keep out of mine.
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