Don’t Add Me To Vaccination Groups-Autism and MMR
So today I was added to a group. I was added by a friend as they were debating about autism and it being caused by the Mmr vaccination.
Many believe this scaremongering, which is scary.
So many children are now at future risk of a serious illness due to being told incorrect facts. Please do your own research before making such a huge decision. It isn’t your life, it’s your children’s life being put at risk.
The worst I heard on this thread was that the Jews were to blame… instead of just blaming professionals they take it out on a whole religion, surely that isn’t on?
I have three wonderful children, all vaccinated. I have one with autism. Do I believe this was caused by the mmr? No I don’t!! There is a huge genetical link in my family. Besides, what is more important than protecting your children against everything you can?
Autism comes during pregnancy and during the first 6 months of life. This could be genetical or even environmental factors that trigger it. So there for this before the mmr, how can it cause it.
At 12-18 months a young child starts to learn social behaviours, including language development…unfortunately this coincides with when the vaccination is given which is why people started blaming it. If mmr was the cause wouldn’t the whole population of children having had the vaccination be autistic?
Would I change my son having autism? No I wouldn’t! He is an amazing little boy who I wouldn’t change for the world. Some days can be tough, very tough but he truly is amazing. He has an incredible mind and is extremely clever for his 4 years of age. He has an amazing mind and I love seeing the world from his eyes. I love learning about how he sees the world.
As a family with an autistic child we will continue to learn, continue to love and continue to show the world how amazing he is! Hopefully we can teach the world that autism really isn’t a bad thing.
Related article: http://mums-advice-old-copy.local/?s=autism+and+abuse
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