Children punished for lazy or poor parents
Children punished for lazy or poor parents.
A number of schools across the United Kingdom have strict policies and rules most people are able to abide by these without a problem.
At one school in Essex if a child does not have the correct footwear or uniform the child will lose part if not all of their lunch or break time, the same punishment is used if the child arrives late for school.
One child is regularly late due to his mother having late nights drinking and not awaking early enough to get her son to school, the school are aware of this and social services are helping to support the mother.
This boy is seven he gets himself dressed and ready to go and begs his mum to get up or to allow him to walk the two miles to his school but every day he is late even if only by a few minutes but he is penalised, this is not in any way the child’s fault.
Another little girl has not had a break time since the start of term as her mother cannot afford to buy her new school shoes the child has to attend school in trainers.
The mother has explained to the school that times are extremely hard and she is struggling to even have enough money to feed her child, the school is not understanding and told the mother that the uniform policy is there for a reason and suggested she borrow money from someone to get shoes, a few of the mums at the school ended up having a whip round and bought the girl a brand new pair of school shoes.
So these are extreme situations but times are hard for many people, and some people have to travel a fair distance to get to school, if a child is not old enough to buy their own clothes and take themselves to school surely the parents should be punished not the child and circumstances should be taken into account, no child or parent should be penalised for being on the bread line or struggling with travel arrangement.
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