Being A Gingerist Is As Bad As Being a Racist?
Being A Gingerist Is As Bad As Being a Racist?
Should being ginger or a red-head be classed the same as members of other groups, such as ethnic or religious minorities, homosexuals or disabilities?
Gingers make a convenient target for the innate human desire to single out and ridicule people who are “different”.
Anti-ginger bullying may be a particular problem in schools, but few schools make it a priority, guided by the law and codes of practice to concentrate their efforts on tackling racism, homophobia and disability prejudice. Indeed, unlike hatred based on race or sexuality, however, there is no legal recognition that anti-ginger prejudice exists.
Hair colour doesn’t feature among the list of “protected characteristics” in the 2010 Equality Act. The law attaches no special opprobrium to words that incite anti-ginger hatred, as it does to the stirring up of religious hatred or homophobia.
Anti-ginger prejudice may seem trivial to those who have never experienced it but it affects some people badly knocking their confidence and even causing people to self harm, there has also been cases of people being attacked and even killed because of the colour of their hair.
According to a gingerist is a person who puts down any person with ginger hair no matter what kind of person they are.
Should the words ginger nut, ginge, carrot top, Chucky etc be classed as a hate crime the same as the N word or the nasty shortened down version of the word Pakistani.
Being A Gingerist Is As Bad As Being a Racist?
Have you ever mocked or called someone a name just because of their natural hair colour? Do you think it should be classed as a hate crime?
Are you a natural red-head or a ginger? Does it offend you being called such names?
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