Being A Big Brother Is Hard
My name is Harrison and I am nearly 11, I have a little brother and sister, I want to share with you what its like to be the oldest sibling.
I often get blamed for things I did not do and mum says I should know better.
Mum always expects me to tidy my room even though I share with my brother and he’s the one that makes most of the mess…thats not fair, is it?
I hate meal times, we all sit round our dining room table to eat, mum is trying and clearly failing to teach my brother and sister to eat like humans, they leave their mouths open when they chew, when they try to cut up their dinner bits go flying off their plate and no matter what mum cooks one of them will say “yuck” and cry when mum asks them to try some.
They don’t understand much to be honest and you have to really dumb it down for them to kind of understand, this can be frustrating.
The front room TV belongs to my sister, she watches Talking pigs, and dogs driving cars and stupid songs, its rubbish, if I dare change the channel she will scream so it’s not worth the hassle.
My mum is on her own, she tries to make lots of time for me but its hard with the terrible duo around, I do appreciate it more when we get sometime for just me and her.
Just once I would like not to have to flush their poo, mum and I have both showed them where the flusher is, but nope they poop and run.
They love me and want to cuddle and kiss me but they are sticky and that’s really not nice.
My stuff is never mine for long, they destroy anything nice or hide it from me, its like a game to wind me up, they want what ever I have even if they don’t really need it.
Even my own bed isn’t safe, they will sneak in for night time cuddles but this makes me hot and sweaty and once my sister peed in my bed.
They take all the good snacks and will leave crumbs and wrappers where ever they go, my little brother doesn’t like to share and will often sneak snacks.
Both of them ask me stupid questions, like why don’t dinosaurs live here now and when I tell them they argue with me and answer their own question with the wrong information, like seriously why ask me and not want to hear my reply.
Games are not fun, if you beat them at anything they will cry and cry and cry and if they win they tease me.
I sometimes am dragged to little kids parties, someone explain to me how a man dressed as a monkey whilst the wheels on the bus is played in the background is remotely fun.
It is totally and utterly impossible to have any quiet time in this house.
Mum has turned me into a shop slave, I’m forced to get bread whenever required, but at least its quiet on the 3 minute walk and sometimes I get to keep the change.
Mum also asks me for help with bits and bobs like taking the washing up stairs or laying the table, she never asks my siblings as they can’t even tie their shoe laces yet. But I don’t mind helping as my mum works hard.
There is no privacy in this house, I can’t take a bath without one of them wanting to join me or using the toilet, they don’t have any issues with privacy themselves as they will happily run round the house naked or poop with the door open.
It’s not all bad though I’m never lonely and there is always someone to play with or snuggle up to.
I think Christmas would be too quiet without siblings, it’s the one day I love the noise and excited screams.
I feel so proud of them when they learn anything new or achieve something.
I like teaching them new skills, like my little sister couldn’t say Dora for ages she would call her Dor-Dor and I spent a week teaching her how to say it properly and this made me so happy.
I feel having younger siblings has made me more patient and I’m so over protective of them, I will never let anything bad happen to them.
I Love them even though they are really annoying and often smell.
Being a big brother is awesome and I would not wish my life to be any different.
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