A Day In The Life Of A Mum On Benefits

A Day In The Life Of A Mum On Benefits

I wake my children and prepare their breakfast, there is moans and tears as we don’t have the cereals they like, toast is all I can provide.

My 9-year-old sobs as he has to have school dinner again, I cannot afford to do a packed lunch so he is forced to have the free school meal.

My 5-year-old is sad that she doesn’t have a shopkins back pack like her friends.

My 7 year has written his Christmas list: a set of real Lego and that is all he wants.

Whilst my children are safe at school, I apply and apply for jobs but having no experience or qualifications no one is interest.

I applied for McDonald’s, cleaning jobs literally everything and never get far.

This week is my week to attend the job centre, I see my advisor and again she makes me feel like shit.

I want to work, I want a chance at a better life but I cannot get a break.

I’m classed as a dole scrounger or benefit whore, but I would work anywhere to get off of benefits.

I am fed up of hearing how those on benefits are better off, each week I struggle to feed my family and pay my bills.

There is nothing easy about being on benefits, the shame, embarrassment and the poverty, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

I never asked for this life, I was a kept woman, a house wife a mother, I did not ask for my partner of 13 years to leave me. But then again maybe it’s karma, I lived a fine life and took it for granted, I looked down on those on benefits and now I am walking in their shoes.

One day some how I will find a way to hold my head high and say I am in paid employment, until then I shall keep fighting survive and keep on searching for a job.

A Day In The Life Of A Mum On Benefits isn’t an easy one it isn’t hand outs and luxuries, its struggles, stress and tears.

You may find this useful http://mums-advice-old-copy.local/benefits-explained/


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