I Was Arrested Over Wellington Boots

October 2014 I split with my partner and the father of my youngest two children after he had cheated on me.

One weeks before Christmas he was due to have his children for four hours from midday, by 1:30pm he still hadn’t arrived.
Finally at 2pm he text me to say he was 15 minutes away and to put the kids Wellington boots in a carrier bag as he wanted to take them to the local woods and park.

He arrived at 3pm and said he would only be taking them for an hour, I had done with arguing with him and couldn’t be bothered with a confrontation, I went to pass him the kids wellys, he walked backwards shouting “physical violence, physical violence” and drove off.
I stood at my front door completely confused, my brother and my children were stood in the front room and were equally confused.
The next day at 5pm whilst eating our evening meal, there was a loud bang on the door.

A male and female police officer were standing at my door, they asked who I was, they then read me my rights and went to handcuff me, they saw my children and asked if I had anyone here to care for them, which I did not.

The police officer said I was to hand myself into the local police station by 9 the next morning for an assualt on my ex a vunerable person, at this point I burst into laughter.

The next day I dropped off my children at school and arranged for a friend to collect them afterwards.
I got to the police station to hand myself in, I was searched, had my fingerprints taken, mug shot done and spent an hour being interviewed.
They locked me in a cell, whilst they made a decision, after an hour they had finally decided.

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I even said that if I wanted to attack the idiot I’d use something more deadly than some toddler Wellington boots.
My ex had lied but worst he had scared my children, they were worried their mummy would go to prison.
All of this was due to my ex wanting to prove to his new girlfriend the reason he had cheated was because he was too scared to leave me.


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