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Can I have a ppp My daughter who is 12 will be 13 at the end of august has been…

Can I have a ppp
My daughter who is 12 will be 13 at the end of august has been sending nudes on Fb, she did it a while back and I called the police they spoke to her and I thought she learnt her lesson.
Well she’s done it again worse than the first time. Social workers r also involved to safe guard her. She could get in serious trouble for this and be put on the sex offenders register.
I’m sending her to live with my parents who live in Wales but dad was good at disciplining me and my siblings wen we were younger so think it’s best. Do you think I’m doing the right thing? My parents will be taking over guardianship of her


8 thoughts on “Can I have a ppp My daughter who is 12 will be 13 at the end of august has been…

  • Poster reply – Can u add I have taken her phone, deactivated all accounts etc. I’m not just worried about the nudes it’s what this could lead too

  • Sending her away may make it much worse, she needs to be under a watchful eye. Remove her phone if you think she needs it find a way of blocking photo access – iPhone you can do it with restrictions and block camera.

    Make her delete all her social media, remove any iPads laptops. You are able to do it, she is at an age where she don’t understand the consequences of her actions. That one day these photos could haunt her.

  • Is she sending them to random people? To boys or men, is she being groomed? I think she will need her mum rather than a grandad, she may need support in case something is underlying, is she feeling low in herself and wanting attention, such a worry nowadays, sadly nudes are so the norm

  • Is there somebody over the age of consent asking for these if so she could be a victim of online grooming /grooming .? If she is a victim of grooming she might not feel as though it’s wrong because these people try and brainwash /manipulate kids .look through her social media and phone to se if this could be happening .personally I would say she needs to se a counsellor or a psychologist .i think she may need help .plus if she really wants to do this she will despite who she lives with .if she is being groomed or blackmailed for pictures or for anything sexual she is then a victim of sexual abuse /grooming .if this is the case don’t send her away as it will push her away from you she needs to know that she can trust you and talk to you about anything .

  • Could you not just deactivate her fb account and give her a cheap phone that has no camera, if shes gonna do it, shes gonna do it, doesent make a difference where shes living or who shes living with,

  • Take the phone and internet off her shipping her off to your parents won’t stop her sending nudes only going to push her away from you she’s young and been silly how old are the people she’s sending nudes to? How did the police get involved ?

  • Take everything off her to stop her being able to send these pictures in the first place…


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